This week, I moved on from preproduction and started actually working on my game! As I've mentioned in previous posts, my number one priority is getting the gameplay to be functional. I've decided to get it to work in singleplayer first before worrying about the multiplayer side of things.
Essentially, I have three systems I need to create. The first is the player controls. At its core, my game is about dodging and weaving, so it's an important first step. The player won't be controlling their speed, as it's fixed - only their direction.
Connected to the player controls is the camera. I want a fixed third-person view, but I can't just parent the camera to the player because the leaning would make it tilt. Instead, I made a basic "follow player" script that only considers the player's rotation on the y-axis.
Getting walls to spawn is fairly straightforward. I spawn a cube prefab behind the player, then unparent it. By continuously calling this function, I create something that resembles a long wall when in truth it's made up of a bunch of small sections that overlap.